Essential Oils

So many of the products we use in our day-to-day lives are filled with synthetic chemicals. These unnatural products can weigh us down and even negatively influence the way we think, feel, and live. Pure essential oils offer an alternative to synthetic products. Essential oils are more than just natural products. Each with a unique chemical makeup, essential oils have dozens of benefits. Essential oil benefits are determined by the chemistry of the plants. If these natural chemicals are properly extracted, they can be used to help you in your daily life. When you open a bottle of pure, unadulterated essential oil, your senses are instantly filled with its potent aroma, even from a distance. What your nose detects are the naturally occurring elements of the essential oil. Every essential oil varies in its natural makeup, so aromas and benefits are also unique. Click here for a free 100 Uses For Essential Oils Guide.

Lifelong Vitality

The dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality supplement program makes taking the first step on the path toward a lifetime of vitality and wellness convenient and affordable. Our lifelong health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness. While there is no complete replacement for a healthy diet and exercise program, today’s modern diet does not provide the nutrients we need to not only stay healthy, but also have energy and prevent premature aging. Enter the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack. These are all supplements meant to be used on a daily basis in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Microbiome Support

Your microbiome functions like an invisible organ. It’s a vast and diverse ecosystem of microbes that are essential to wellness. Keys to microbiome function is proper microbial diversity and balance, with a high ratio of good bacteria to bad. The body’s natural aging process can disrupt your microbiome, along with an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep schedule, and stressful lifestyle. Augmenting a wellness lifestyle with supplementation can help restore microbiome health. PB Restore is a unique formulation of 30 pre-, pro-, and postbiotics and bacteriophages that help restore microbial diversity and balance for optimal microbiome health and overall wellness.

Metabolic Health

MetaPWR, a metabolic health system, helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level. Designed to be used as a system, each product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other products. Of course, there are no quick fixes for optimal metabolic function. You still have to make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions, but the MetaPWR system can maximize the effects of those choices.

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